Selasa, 03 November 2015

Citra Raya (It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be Part 8)


MOST clients are corporate people protecting their own mortgagesThey mistakenly see ideas as a risk rather than an advancement to their careers. Therefore their motivation may be quite different from their brief to you. Find out what the client’s real objective is. All clients aspire to status. It may be their desire to become a member of the New York Yacht Club or the Jockey Club. 

Or to be seen at the best table at Le Cirque or the Ivy.
Or a patron of the arts.
To be chairman of the company.
Owner of  a football club.
Or simply a butterfly collector.

These aspirations will never be put into the brief, of course.
For six months we worked on a government scheme devised to help school leavers get jobs.
The best people in the agency worked with passion to the help solve a social problem.
The resulting work was marvelous, and there was a lot of it.

We had failed to understand, not the brief, the politics that lay behind it.
All the minister wanted was for the public to know he was spending x millions on adversiting for the scheme. To let people know he was doing something about it.
It was a PR exercise for him.
It had nothing at all to do with humanity.

Vocabulary [English - Indonesia)

1. Aims 
2. Client's Aim 
Tujuan / maksud dari klien
3. Corporate
4. Mortgages
5. Mistakenly
6. Advancement 
7. Objective
Tujuan / sasaran / alamat / kasus obyektif  (Noun), Obyektif /tidak berat sebelah (Adjective)         
8.  Aspire 
Bercita-cita / mengingini / mengatas (Verb)
9. Desire 
Keinginan / hasrat/kemauan / idaman (Noun) , menginginkan/ menghendaki/meminta (verb)

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