Selasa, 03 November 2020

Poem on Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم - by Haykal third grade @Sen...


Haykal told us about Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم in his poetry : 

When truth was lost and hearts frozen. You came and taught us the things we ought to do 

You taught us to be good to our mother and father and paradise lies under the feet of our mother 

 I love you my prophet I will follow your sunnah and I hope I will meet you in Jannah!

Tutorial bermain gitar dengan benar yang tidak semua orang tau - @Senopa...


Kalau hanya bisa itu gampang, nyawa utama lead gutar (melody gitar) yang sering dilupakan pemula adalah tone (nada) dan ketukan (tempo). Senopati Center membuka Playlist belajar lead guitar untuk pemula secara gratis!